• Clinic With Top Doctors Of India At Your Door Step
  • +91-9310534536
  • centralindia006@gmail.com

Introducing (ICTs)

Information and communication technologies (ICTs)


Information and communication technologies (ICTS)

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have great potential to address some of the challenges both developed and developing countries face in providing accessible, cost effective, high-quality health care services. Telemedicine uses ICTs to overcome geographical barriers and increase healthcare services access. It is particularly beneficial for rural and underserved communities in developing countries like India and groups that traditionally suffer from a lack of healthcare access.

Telemedicine (TM), a term coined in the 1970s, which literally means healing at a distance, signifies the use of information and communications technology to improve patient Outcomes by increasing access to care and medical information. The World Health Organization has adopted the following broad description of telemedicine.

"The delivery of healthcare services, where distance is a critical factor, by all healthcare professionals using information and communication technologies for the exchange of valid information for the diognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease and injuries, research and evaluation and for the continuing education of healthcare providers, all in the interests of advancing the health of individuals and their communities.

Also, it is of paramount importance to keep physicians, health care workers, and patients safe amid infectious disease outbreaks such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Telemedicine can support physical distancing efforts and help ensure that care continues to be provided to those who need it most by triaging low-risk urgent care and follow-up appointments and maintaining continuity of care, especially for chronic disease management and behavioral health patients who may require routine check-ins.

The Central India ASsociates is committed to supporting and advocating for physicians and practices through the COVID-19 pandemic The aim and objectives of this Central India E-Clinic Project are to bridge the primary healthcare gap in rural areas of India and to provide affordable & Contactless primary healthcare consultation to the rural community.