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Central India E-Clinics

Concept that focuses on any medical action concerning a tactor of distance

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Central India E-Clinics

India is a densely populaterd country where healthcare fatilities are not available especially for those living in rermote areas Frorm the report of the Survey of India, major the population belongs to rural areas Medical doctors prefer to work in urban ares due to living facilities and other fringe benefits Even though there are some areas where hospital's are available but medical staff is far frorm sufficient. This leads to a terrible situation.

Telecommunication in India has played a vital role in connecting people at à very cheaper cost. This is due to a number of telecom operators working simultaneously and the cellular network has been spread all over the country. According to market research, India was the world's second fastest-growing telecommunications market in 2018 telecommunication infrastructure is improving dramatically with foreign and domesttc investments into fixed-line and mobile networks; fiber systems are being constructe throughout the country to aid in network growth.

Central India E-Clinic is a concept that focuses on any medical action concerning a tactor of distance. In which the interactiorn between doctors and clinics involves telecommunication techniques. This project in developing countries like India will provide a chance for people living in rural areas to achieve better healthcare services.

On the other hand, there is a resource consisting of non-practicing women health professionals; as in India majority of female students join the medical field during their studies but only a fraction of these students joins it as a profession. So the proposal of Central India E-Clinic takes into account four things for the solution of the above-cted problem, firstly the deficiency in healthcare services in rural areas of Ind a, second the non practicing lady health professionals as a resource to be utilized. thirdly the concept of telemedicine and fourth the cost effective telecommunication network nationwide.